Amedeo Sacrestano

Regular Statutory Auditor

In office since May 2021

Belonging list: majority (Ministry of Economy and Finance)


Born in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) on 4 September 1968. Regular Auditor of Leonardo since 19 May 2021.



He has been a director of the Association of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts of Nocera Inferiore (Salerno); a member of the Meeting of delegates of the National Social Security and Welfare Fund for Certified Public Accountants; the chairman of the National Certified Public Accountants Association (ANDoC); the president of the National Study Committee on Project Financing of the National Council of Certified Public Accountants, chairman of the Board of Auditors of the National Council of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts.

As an expert of Confprofessioni (Italian Confederation of Self-employed Professionals), he takes part in coordination meetings with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Revenue Agency for the updating of ISA. He is an advisor to the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy for the application of regulations on fair compensation to Professionals pursuant to Law no. 4 of 14 January 2013.

As a former Officer of the Italian Finance Police, firstly for military service and, subsequently, as an Officer on permanent duty, he was responsible for tax audits and judicial investigations into large companies, at the 6th Group of (Special) Divisions of the Central Tax Police Unit in Rome.

As a former researcher in Tax Law at the Research Institute of the National Council of Certified Public Accountants, he has been collaborating since 2001 with major law and tax firms in Rome and Milan. He is a Court-appointed Expert at the Civil Court of Rome and is an advisor to the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Courts of Rome and Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) as regards matters of financial, tax and corporate crimes.

He is a member of committees and bodies for planning and internal control in public and private entities. He has been a member of the 2nd Level Monitoring Body for the proper use of EU funds on behalf of the Ministry of University and Scientific Research. He was a member of the Technical Project Financing Unit of the Presidency of the Campania Regional Government from 2001 to 2005.

Again at the Campania Regional Government, he was a member of the Regional Economic Planning Committee from 2007 to 2009.

He has been a member of numerous boards of statutory auditors and boards of directors of joint-stock companies. He has taught for Scuola Superiore dell'Economia e delle Finanze, Formez, Sole 24 Ore training centres, IPSOA, Zucchetti, Paradigma, Stoà, Euroconference, Istituto di Ricerca dei Dottori Commercialisti, and several Italian Universities.

He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Master’s Degree in “Rules and Tax” (Norme e Tributi) of the Sole 24 Ore in 2013.

He was a Professor of Project Financing and of Methodologies and Processes of Business Valuation at the University of Teramo from 2004 to 2012. He collaborated, on an ongoing basis, with the editorial staff of “Norme e Tributi” of the Il Sole 24 Ore from 2001 to 2015.



He is a certified public accountant and auditor, registered with the Rome Association. He graduated with honors in Economics in 1994, and is enrolled in the Register of publicists journalists from 2001. In 2018 he graduated in Law and joined the Bar in 2021.

He has published more than 800 popular and / or scientific articles on taxation and businesses, working with various newspapers and magazines (Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Fisco, La rivista della Guardia di Finanza, Il Giornale dei Dottori Commercialisti, Le società, Corriere Tributario, Finanza & Fisco, Guida Normativa, Guida al Diritto, Guida agli Enti Locali, Agevolazioni & Incentivi).