AW1182 7Bar GrandNew Delivery

Finmeccanica - AgustaWestland, today at the 2014 Air Medical Transport Conference, has formally delivered a GrandNew to SevenBar, a provider of helicopter EMS services in the Southwestern United States.

Finmeccanica - AgustaWestland  23 settembre 2014 12:22

Finmeccanica - AgustaWestland, today at the 2014 Air Medical Transport Conference, has formally delivered a GrandNew to SevenBar, a provider of helicopter EMS services in the Southwestern United States.


The GrandNew will join a fleet of fixed wing aircraft to deliver advanced in-flight patient care and transport and features a Spectrum EMS Single/Dual Litter capable interior that houses a medical cabinet, a 6.7ft (2.04 m) stretcher, patient oxygen system and various medical mounting areas within the cabin. Additionally, the aircraft is equipped with a searchlight, digital moving map, and external rescue hoist.


The GrandNew is the first helicopter in its class to incorporate a Synthetic Vision System (SVS), Highway in The Sky (HITS) and Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems (HTAWS) to provide full terrain and obstacle awareness in low visibility flying conditions. The system provides the pilot with three dimensional guidance and detailed terrain maps, resulting in an advanced operating capability which sets a new benchmark in safety.


Orders for over 330 helicopters from the Grand/GrandNew series have been placed by more than 200 customers in almost 40 countries worldwide.


SevenBar, headquartered in Dallas, is a leading provider of air medical transport services with over 30 years of experience in the air medical field.