On 4th September 2013, during the XXI edition of MSPO exhibition in Kielce, OTO Melara SpA, a Finmeccanica Company, and Wojskowe Zakłady Mechanizcne S.A. have signed a cooperation agreement for the logistics support, servicing and repairs of the Hitfist( R) 30mm Turrets installed on the KTO Rosomak.

Poland  03 settembre 2013 00:00

On 4th September 2013, during the XXI edition of MSPO exhibition in Kielce, OTO Melara SpA, a Finmeccanica Company, and Wojskowe Zakłady Mechanizcne S.A. have signed a cooperation agreement for the logistics support, servicing and repairs of the Hitfist ( R) 30mm Turrets installed on the KTO Rosomak.

The agreement is a continuation of the cooperation between OTO Melara and the Polish industry that started in 2003 and also expands the scope of work by adding the possibility of continuous support for missions abroad and the use of the equipment by the Land Forces.

The Agreement is also the base for the extension of the License Agreement signed on 1st July 2003 for the production of Hitfist ( R) 30mmm turrets, in the frame of the offset Agreement with the Polish State Treasury.