Avalon 22 febbraio 2013 10:00
Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, will be promoting its most advanced sensors and systems at the Australian International Air Show and Aerospace & Defence Exposition at Avalon Airport on the 26th February to the 3rd March 2013 (Hall 2 - Stand 2L9).
In the air sector, the company will display its state-of-the-art airborne ISR capabilities including integrated mission systems for manned and unmanned platforms, radars, multi-spectral sensors and navigation aids, high performance data links and communication systems, advanced IFF (Identification Friend/Foe) systems and advanced DIRCM aircraft protection solutions. In the land domain, the company will showcase force protection systems based on combat soldier radio systems and secure networked communications, RF electronic warfare systems, portable laser target designators, thermal imaging cameras and mini-micro unmanned aerial systems that can fit into a soldier’s backpack.
Selex ES views Australia as a key strategic market and as evidence of this, it recently incorporated Selex ES Australia Pty Ltd.. Selex ES, however is no newcomer. The company has been growing in Australia for over fifteen years, supporting Australian Defence in theatre by supplying over 13,000 Personal Role Radios to significantly enhance soldiers’ front line communications; delivering Guardian systems to protect troops and military vehicles against RCIEDs (Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices); Armoured vehicle Driver Night Vision systems for enhanced situational awareness for dangerous counter IED Route Clearance missions; electronic warfare (EW) systems within the RAAF’s Wedgetail program as well as navigation FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) systems supplied for the Australian MRH-90 Multi Role Helicopters. Selex ES’ technology capabilities match very well with the requirements listed in Australia’s defence spending plans.
Moreover, in the civil sector, TETRA networks and ATEX terminals, which ensure safe communications, have been delivered to the transportation, mining and oil & gas industries for use in field operations. The Selex ES SIM (Surveillance Information Management) system is currently installed on board Customs ten Coastwatch maritime surveillance aircraft helping secure Australia’s 37,000 km shoreline and territorial waters.
Selex ES aims to grow its presence in Australia by establishing partnerships and collaborations with local industry and government bodies.