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Mi occupo di studiare e applicare tecniche di analisi dati in ambito Big Data. Tenere il passo con lo stato dell'arte sulle tecnologie riguardanti lo storage dei dati e la loro elaborazione è fondamentale per offrire a Leonardo una panoramica aggiornata delle possibilità di innovazione.
Big Data
Ricca G., Beltrametti M.C. and Massone A.M., Detecting curves of symmetry in images via Hough transform, Mathematics in Computer Science 10.1 (2016): 179-205.
Ricca G., Beltrametti M.C. and Massone A.M., Piecewise recognition of bone skeleton profiles via an iterative Hough transform approach without re-voting, SPIE Medical Imaging 2015 Conference, 21-26 February 2015, Orlando, Florida, US. Paper No.: MI102-46. - Ricca G., Beltrametti M.C., Massone, A.M.: An iterative approach to Hough transform without re-voting, arXiv:1407.3969 [cs.CV], 2014.
“Training courses (24 cfu) for admission to Concorso FIT” (University of Genoa, November 2017 - February 2018)
“Franco-German Summer School on Inverse Problems and Imaging” (University of Bremen, 18-22 September 2017, Bremen, Germany).
“Introduction to convex optimization” (University of Genoa, DIBRIS, 7t–10 and 13-17 February 2017, Genoa, Italy).
“MISS - Medical Imaging Summer School, Medical Imaging meets Machine Learning” (University of Cambridge, University of Catania, 31 July - 6 Aug 2016 Favignana, Sicily). – “Inverse imaging, sparse sampling, compressed sensing, and more” (ESMRMB Lectures on MR course, Freiburg im Breisgau, 23 March - 25 2015).
“Regularization Methods for Machine Learning” (course organized within the PhD Program in computer Science – University of Genoa, 30 June – 4 July 2014).
“Elaborazione di immagini e applicazioni mediche” - Image processing in medical imaging, (organised by Politecmed in Genoa, 30September – 4 October 2013).