Milan 15 novembre 2012 10:30
The Finmeccanica Group will be the technology partner of Expo 2015, the Universal Exhibition to be held in Milan from 1 May to 31 October 2015, for the Safe City & Main Operation Center platform.
The partnership involves Finmeccanica supplying goods, infrastructures and services to a value of 28.3 million Euro and will allow the Group to implement for the first time in Italy the innovativeSmart, Safe and Secure City model for the surveillance and protection of the exhibition site, pavillions and other infrastructures, and for the safety of operators and visitors.
The project will be carried out by SELEX ES, the new Finmeccanica Group company also specialising in systems for the management of large events and hi-tech information & communication technology, surveillance and security solutions.
More specifically, the partnership involves "turnkey" supply of an operating centre capable of monitoring and supervising the event from a security point of view, collecting, integrating and showing the information flows from heterogeneous systems so that they can be used by EXPO 2015 operators, as well as making them interoperable for other organisations operating in the area.
The operating centre will comprise an open/service oriented platform, thanks to which the operators will be able to use specific application software for the management and location of equipment and people in the field, to monitor visitor flows in order to prevent excessive crowding and potentially critical situations for security, and to manage any emergencies.
Those in charge of the operating centre will be able to use a 3D satellite map of the exhibition site (created by e-Geos, a company in which Finmeccanica has a shareholding) which will allow a genuine virtual immersion in the environment being monitored, to give a better understanding of the scenario and, as a result, greater operating efficiency.
The partnership also involves supplying a safe TETRA standard professional communications system, including 500 radio devices and relative network infrastructure, integrated with an advanced proprietory platform, known as PERSEUS, which will guarantee communications and data and information exchange between the TETRA network and other existing heterogenous and Long Term Evolution (LTE) commercial networks.
Finally, as part of the video surveillance, Finmeccanica will supply latest generation uncooledthermal micro-cameras developed by the US subsidiary DRS Technologies.
“We are proud to be technology partner at Expo 2015 - says Giuseppe Orsi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Finmeccanica - The Safe City model we will be creating for the event is a demonstration of our Group's committment to the use of cutting edge technology to serve security. The solution planned by Finmeccanica for EXPO 2015 takes advantage of the experience matured by the Group over the years, both in command and control systems for defence and in air traffic control systems and management of large events. One of Finmeccanica's main goals is to become the reference technology partner for cities that intend to evolve towards Smart Citymodels, satisfying in this way a broad range of needs not only in the security field, but more generally relating to activities that are carried out on a dayto- day basis in our town centres, such as mobility management, power distribution and environmental monitoring.”
“Expo 2015 – explains Giuseppe Sala, CEO of Expo 2015 SpA - is developing the exhibition site using a Digital Smart City that will be the reference model for how the most innovative and advanced technology can make the life of citizens more comfortable, efficient, rich with educational content and at the same time safe both from a physical protection and an information technology and digital point of view. We are extremely satisfied with the selection that has been made. The Finmeccanica Group represents a strategic Partner on which to found development of the innovative Smart & Safe City, to the benefit of visitors and Participating Countries. A large company – concludes Sala - with a leading role not only at Italian but at world level has realised the strategy and opportunities offered by Expo 2015: that is truly great news. Finmeccanica's state-of-the-art solutions will integrate perfectly with what the other five strategic Partners who are already on-board in this project are creating."