Critical Communications World 2013

Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, will bring to Critical Communications World 2013, Paris 22-24 May, its reliable multi-technology networked solutions to support the efficient operations of public safety and emergency services, civil protection agencies, transportation and homeland security applications.

Paris  17 maggio 2013 10:00

Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, will bring to Critical Communications World 2013, Paris 22-24 May, its reliable multi-technology networked solutions to support the efficient operations of public safety and emergency services, civil protection agencies, transportation and homeland security applications. A global provider of secure communications and technologies for military and civil end users, with more than 50 countries relying on its integrated mobile solutions for enhanced operations, the company will be displaying its products and features at stand n. B 401, covering six capabilities areas: Oil & Gas, Transports, Control Centre, Devices, Core Network and Security.


Oil & Gas

Selex ES provides integrated solutions for remote control, plants automation and security in the Oil & Gas sectors. Its offer encompasses: Physical and Cyber Security, Telecommunications (wired and wireless networks, radio relays, TETRA, DMR, PAGA, PABX); automation and process control for on shore and off shore plants; SCADA systems for industrial automation, energy distribution and transportation.



Selex ES provides turn-key solutions for Mass Transit and Rail sectors encompassing TETRA, DMR, GSM-R radios, WiNN V2 multi technology router and on board controller, SCADA applications, Automatic Fare Collecting Systems and Video Surveillance technologies. As a system integrator, the company supplies complete telecommunications infrastructures including broadband facilities, GSM-R control rooms and security and safety solutions.


Control Centre

Selex ES dispatching solutions allow efficient multi-technology, multi-media professional communications supporting multi agency operations and the use of heterogeneous devices.



High-end TETRA handsets including ATEX certified models will be presented at the exhibition. The latest TETRA mobile radio VS 4000 offers TEDS and multi technology capability (Wi-Fi and LTE in the near future), enforcing integrated communications and allowing TETRA - broadband interoperability.


Core Network

Selex ES designs and supplies network infrastructures supporting professional communities needs. From Ecos-D DMR simulcast and trunked (Tier III) systems to Elettrasuite ADAPTANET Full-IP switchless TETRA family, the company offers state of the art mission critical communications solutions, paving the way for future developments. Its LTE Core Network provides reliable professional services in a multi-vendor environment, while its Perseus CSP (Communication Service Platform) allow true multi-technology network integration supporting multi-agency operations and incremental non-disruptive network evolution.


One of the highlights at this 15th edition of the Congress will be the IMSS (Integrated Mobile Security System) van in the Security area. IMSS is a full featured vehicle able to provide Blue Light organizations with increased situational awareness. Thanks to its heterogeneous communications capability and to the flexibility of supported operations, IMSS enables effective coordination and support in different scenarios such as homeland security, critical infrastructure protection, border control, major event security enforcement and emergency support.


Selex ES conferences program at CCW 2013:


21 May - Pre-Conference Seminars
Full day seminar - An introduction to TETRA:

  • "Network Architecture and Interfaces"
  • "Direct Mode"


Afternoon seminars:

  • "Transportation and Critical Communications: Metro Ryadh Case Study"


22 May - Congress Day One
Afternoon streams (B) - Network Development, Evolution & Business Models:

  • "Boosting TETRA through TEDS for the Italian Carabinieri" (h.14:25)


23 May - Congress Day Two
Plenary Session - Mission Critical  Mobile Broadband for Non-Public Safety Users:

  • "Combining TETRA and LTE for Transport Infrastructure Protection" (h. 12:20)

Afternoon streams (B) - TETRA Deployment, Integration & Interoperability:

  • "Driving Forward ISI to achieve interoperability between different Organisations and Technologies" (h. 16:05)


24 May - Congress Day Three
TETRA & Critical Communications Live - Building Secure Safe & Resilient Cities:

  • "Multi-Technology Integration to ensure Safety and Security in the Veneto Region" (h. 10:20)