7 October 2013 - Selex ES awarded contract to develop the Information System of the Italian Ministry for Education

Selex ES will design and manage the new Information System for the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR). The five-year contract includes the development of innovative digital education applications, management services and staff training.

Rome  08 ottobre 2013 12:00

Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, will design and manage the new Information System for the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR). The five-year contract includes the development of innovative digital education applications, management services and staff training.


Thanks to the innovation and cutting-edge technology of Selex ES, the Ministry of Education will have at its disposal new tools which will allow it to interact more effectively with teaching staff, students, families and the entire university system, as well as other institutions such as banks and social security institutions. In accordance with the standards envisaged by the Digital Administration Code (CAD) and the Italian “Digital Agenda”, users will have increased accessibility to information and services while ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive data, in compliance with the policies established by the Administration. The performance of the Information System and management services will be constantly measured and monitored.


Selex ES has extensive experience in developing applications for the automation and streamlining of business processes; institutional sites, internet and intranet portals re-engineering projects; and e-government services and solutions. Some important achievements in Italy are: the INPS (Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale) portal for on-line services to citizens and workers; the “Processo Civile Telematico” project for the Ministry of Justice; the CONSIP portal for the Ministry of Economy and Finance; the UIRNET system for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transports; the portal for the fight against pedophilia for the Department of Equal Opportunities; and the portal for the City of Rome citizens.


Building on its proven track record developing information systems in the areas of Justice, Economics and Welfare for the Public Administration, the technological capabilities of Selex ES, together with a deep knowledge of administrative processes, now extend to improving the efficiency of Education and Research organizations, both central and local. These are strategic areas essential for the economic recovery and digital development of the country.