Allende Center

‘Eight OTO events' was inaugurated on Friday 6 September at the Allende Centre in La Spezia. It is a number of initiatives sponsored by the Municipality of La Spezia and organized the A.N.L.A and OTO Melara Seniors Group of La Spezia and Brescia. We would like to call your attention to the events of today, 11 September, and Saturday, 14 September.

La Spezia  11 settembre 2013 14:59

‘Eight OTO events’ was inaugurated on Friday 6 September at the Allende Centre in La Spezia. It is a number of initiatives sponsored by the Municipality of La Spezia and organized the A.N.L.A and OTO Melara Seniors Group of La Spezia and Brescia.
We would like to call your attention to the events of today, 11 September, and Saturday, 14 September.


Today, at 21.00, after ‘The best quiche’ competition and the performance of the singer-songwriter Patrizio Cozzani, there will be the presentation of the book ‘Ray of Sunlight’. The book’s title is the name of the Obelisk sculptured by the great artist Francesco Vaccarone at the Corsanini Workshops in Carrara. The Obelisk, that now embellishes Saint Bon Square in La Spezia, is a symbol of peace and has been donated to the town by OTO Melara to mark an important collaboration with the Startè Cultural Association, the artist Vaccarone and the Municipality of La Spezia.


The book will be presented by Francesca Sinis and Paolo Asti ( Startè Cultural Association), it also includes the project illustrated with photographs by Roberto Battistelli.
On Saturday 14 September, at 21:30, a show will be held in the public gardens of the Allende Centre to pay homage to Sandra Rame. ‘The Court’ theatre company, with Valentina Bonati, Elisa Galloni, Assunta Rubini, the participation of Rolando Neri and music by Fabrizio De Andrè, will make us think about some of the great shows loved by Franca Rame and her audience: ‘ One mother, we all have the same story’, ‘The rape’, ‘Mary at the Cross’, ‘Michele lu Lanzone’.
This year many new ideas have framed the ‘OTO and creativity’ exhibitions on a brand new background made of shows, concerts, cheerfulness and reflections. OTO Melara employees and retired personnel are participants and protagonists in these events.


The events will last till Sunday 15 September. The paintings and photographs exhibition of the colleagues of La Spezia and Brescia will be open to the public from 10 to 12 am, and from 5 to 7 pm. It is also possible to visit the permanent exhibition of the legendary and perfectly operational OTO Tractors in the garden of the Allende Centre.
The painters and photographers taking part in the ‘OTO and creativity’ exhibition will be awarded a prize on the last day that will end up at 21:00 with an exciting jazz concert: ‘Tribute to Wes Montgomery’, the great American guitar player of the sixties.


Eight days for an exhibition that includes different forms of art: dancing, music, cabaret, painting, photography – colour and black and white – and, why not, gastronomy too.
All ‘made in OTO Melara’.