Monteiasi-Grottaglie 13 June 2013
Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica company, achieved a significant milestone within its partnership with Boeing for the 787 Dreamliner program. The first section of the Boeing 787-9 fuselage, a lengthened version of the basic model 787-8, has left Alenia Aermacchi’s plant Monteiasi-Grottaglie bound for the final assembly line in Charleston (USA).
Giuseppe Giordo, CEO at Alenia Aermacchi, has commented: “The achievement of this important milestone marks how the industrial plant Monteiasi-Grottaglie has been able to cope with and succeed despite very strict production challenges. After only 6 years from its start-up in the Apulia region, over 100 sections of the 787 fuselage have already been delivered and we have just now started the production of components for the aircraft’s latest version. Monteiasi-Grottaglie thus confirms it is one of the most advanced aircraft manufacturing facilities in the world, employing young and highly specialized people”.
Last October 3rd, the 100th fuselage section of the version 787-8 was delivered to Boeing.
The Italian industry plays a crucial role in the manufacturing of Boeing 787 Dreamliner, producing the horizontal stabilizer and the central and central-rear fuselage, consisting of 14% of the entire structure.