Over the years Leonardo has built an integrated responsible business conduct model with the aim to prevent the risk of illicit practices, at all work levels and in any geographical area, by disseminating and promoting its ethical values as well as by defining clear rules of conduct and implementing effective control processes, in line with the requirements set forth by applicable laws and international best practices. The best practices include the "Common Industry Standards” Common principles against corruption of the companies operating in the Aerospace and Defense sector (ASD- AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe) and the "Global principles for business Ethical Conduct" of the companies operating in the Aerospace and Defense sector (IFBEC - International Forum for Business Ethical Conduct).
In order to improve constantly its business conduct, Leonardo collaborates with organisations such as TRACE International and the Institute of Business Ethics.
Leonardo's integrated model for responsible business conduct is based on a system of rules and internal codes, including the Charter of Values, the Code of Ethics, the Anti-corruption Code, the Whistleblowing Management Guidelines, the Organizational, Management and Control Models pursuant to Leg. Decree no. 231/2001 for Leonardo Spa and the Italian subsidiaries, as well as the compliance programs in line with local laws.