Students and Graduates

Leonardo collaborates with schools and universities to promote scientific citizenship and offer students and graduates the opportunity to develop key skills for the professions of the future.

Find out some of our initiatives.

The Leonardo Deep Dive programme, aimed at male and female students (*) attending the last year of a degree course (bachelor’s or master’s degree) in STEM disciplines, offers you the opportunity to complete your thesis with us in the company.

You will spend a period of full immersion, up to six months, in one of the Leonardo sites to develop your thesis project in one of the different technological fields, which include artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cybersecurity, computer engineering materials and aerospace.

Throughout the course you will be followed by a tutor and you will benefit from a reimbursement of expenses.

Find out what topics are available, for which you can apply:


Click here


Details: once you have entered Workday, select the "Other" filter and, from the drop-down menu, choose the "Internship - thesis" item from the types of employment available.


Requirements to participate in the selection

  • last year of a bachelor’s or master's degree in STEM disciplines
  • area of study: Mathematics, Physics, Aeronautics, Computer Science, Electronics, Robotics, Space, Mechanics

(*) In this first phase the programme is aimed only at Italian students.





Training courses and internships

Leonardo encourages a constant exchange between academia and the world of work, also through ad hoc agreements and conventions with Italian universities, for the carrying out of curricular and extracurricular internships on topics related to the company's areas of activity. 

University students interested in gaining experience in the Group can contact the Placement Office of their University.

Graduates interested in internship and employment opportunities in the company can consult current programmes and/or visit the Work with us section of the website.


Higher Technological Institutes (ITS Academy)

The ITS Academies present in Italy are post-diploma highly specialised technological training schools, parallel to academic courses, lasting two years and which allow you to obtain the title of higher technician. By integrating the needs of education and training with those of the world of work, the ITS Academies train technical profiles equipped not only with the skills defined by schools, but also with the skills required by companies. To this end, 50% of teaching hours are provided by schools and universities and 50% by companies. 

In the ITS Academy in which Leonardo is a founding member, teaching staff from the Group alternate in classes during the two-year training period, helping to transfer the professional skills necessary to respond to the needs of the labour market and act as a driving force for the growth of the industrial fabric and of the territory.

To find out more, visit the MIUR website.


Training course “Specialist in Design, Testing and Integration of Radar Systems”, organised by Leonardo in cooperation with the Fondazione ITS Campania MA.ME.
Applications will be received until January 31, 2025

Career Day and Job Meeting

Leonardo participates in the major Job Meetings and Career Days, the job orientation and recruiting days organized in Italy and abroad. These appointments are an opportunity to get to know each other and to discover our company more closely.

Career Events 2024

There are no events scheduled at the moment.