The uniqueness and centrality of welfare as an added value to promote the employees wellbeing, but also as a point of reference to attract and retain talent. This is the starting point of Leonardo’s new paradigm, centred on the figure of the Welfare Coach. As Antonio Liotti, Chief People & Organisation Officer, explains, these are “colleagues with specialised training who enable everyone else to approach all services with confidence, since the company’s intention is to identify needs and guide people correctly, helping them to take advantage of everything it offers.”
This model sees welfare as a fully integrated element in organic growth and in the development of skills, in line with the cornerstones and challenges of the new Industrial Plan. Liotti explains that the new approach focuses on the wellbeing of the individual and the family and is based on four main strands: performance-related bonuses, supplementary health care, complementary pensions, and psychophysical wellbeing.
The aim is to promote access to wellness-related initiatives. Carla Serafini, Head of Welfare & Wellbeing, describes the initiative, which started in 2021 with an initial team of 33 Welfare Coaches who attended a 120-hour course and received a special certification. This course makes each of them “a contact person who is a primus inter pares, a credible figure who brings people closer to the company and its services, identifying needs and helping to find answers.”