Digital for everyone

25 May 2021

24 May saw the start of the project “Formazione anziani all’uso del digitale – Diventare Cittadino Digitale/Digital training of older people – Becoming a digital citizen”, which is the result of an agreement signed on 11 January between Leonardo, the Fondazione Leonardo - Civiltà delle Macchine and the General Command of the Carabinieri Corps.

The initiative, which aims to reduce digital inequality in Italy, provides digital training courses for about 100 senior citizens who will learn how to use the most common IT tools, such as smartphones, tablets and computers.

The courses cover communities from Borghetto Vara (SP), Vico del Gargano (FG), Lazise (VR), Pontremoli (MS) and San Marco Argentano (CS), and will last until mid-June.

With this initiative, Leonardo is renewing its commitment to supporting the communities local to its sites by making available its technological know-how and the computer equipment needed to run the courses, as well as the teachers, who are all company employees.

The courses will enable participants to find their way around the basic digital skills to be able to access the most common online services independently. The aim is to make the elderly no longer perceive digital technology as something inaccessible, but as a tool that can simplify their daily lives.

Through this project, Fondazione Leonardo - Civiltà delle Macchine, Leonardo and the General Command of the Carabinieri Corps have joined the Manifesto per la Repubblica Digitale – the national strategic initiative promoted by Italy’s Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – which promotes ethical and non-discriminatory digital education.