Looking up at the sky is the prerogative of dreamers, of those who feel anchored to the ground by gravity, of those seeking to push the boundaries even further. Just like us at Leonardo: when we look at the sky, we see solutions to safeguard the planet and prepare for the future.
That’s why we are continuing to pursue advanced urban air mobility experiments on several different fronts.
As tests for the transport of medical supplies with the Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital in Rome continue, last week in Turin a 130kg drone was flown, capable of carrying weights of up to 50kg for a maximum distance of 50km, well beyond the pilot’s field of vision. The project, entitled “Sumeri: Si Salpa!” (Sumeri Sets Sail!), was carried out in line with strict safety regulations and with the utmost respect for the environment through electric propulsion.
For Leonardo, this too is the future: safe and sustainable urban air mobility, with zero-emission drones flying over our cities, transporting goods and accelerating processes.
With Leonardo's innovative vision and technological know-how, along with active collaborations through the Turin City Council, D-Flight (an ENAV Group company, in partnership with Leonardo and Telespazio), and ENAC, which authorised the flight tests, all this may soon come true.
Never stop looking up at the sky...