30 April 2021
Next May 5th at 10:00 a.m. (CEST) Leonardo Electronics Division will hold a webinar on the new LIONFISH and MARLIN naval guns.
Marco Fani, Head of Naval & Underwater Defence Systems Business Development, will present our new families of small calibre naval gun systems, developed to face the threats of modern operational scenarios with enhanced performances, light weight and compact design.
More specifically the webinar will examine how the LIONFISH and MARLIN turrets satisfy the most relevant requisites of Shipyards and naval forces: no deck penetration, remote control, E/O accuracy, are just some of the topics that will be discussed.
At the end of the presentation, Leonardo will be at your disposal to reply to your queries.
Participation is FREE, register here
For more information, please contact: Marco Fani - marco.fani@leonardo.com