Rome 14 December 2020 16:13
Enel and Leonardo have signed a letter of intent for a strategic collaboration focused on security, energy efficiency, satellite communications, and electric mobility.
In addition to a series of activities that the two companies will provide in their respective reference businesses, the partnership will see the development and implementation of new features and technologies for specific offers dedicated to their customers. The collaboration will lead to the development of innovative solutions, both in the energy and electric mobility sector, at Leonardo’s sites, and in the area of security, digitalization and satellite communications for the benefit of Enel’s strategic assets.
“The collaboration between two Italian companies with deep roots and expertise in these areas, will make it possible to further enhance their respective skills for the development of innovative services, and apply them internationally - says Francesco Starace, CEO and General Manager of Enel. “Thanks to this strategic partnership, we will be able to use Leonardo’s technologies and know-how for the safety and control of our assets, and in turn, make our innovative solutions in the energy field available. The collaboration will also allow us to extend the offers for energy efficiency and video surveillance to our customers”.
“Within this partnership, the collaboration and sharing of high-profile technological know-how and skills will also bring benefits to customers and communities in the countries where the two companies operate”, underlines Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo. “We are making choices based increasingly on a long-term sustainable vision, in line with the Be Tomorrow - Leonardo 2030 strategic plan. This is thanks to integrated solutions with multiple application potential and to Leonardo’s consolidated expertise, producing significant positive effects for development and progress”.
In addition to the supply of electricity and gas, Enel will provide Leonardo, through Enel X, with efficient and green energy self-production plants, energy efficiency, consumption monitoring and Demand response services for its offices and sites in Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States. Enel will also undertake work on the electricity grids at the service of the sites, for the improvement of power quality and stability, and solutions for the distribution of electric mobility, through the installation of Enel X charging infrastructure at Leonardo offices.
As part of the collaboration, Leonardo will offer Enel solutions and services for the security of strategic assets. These include control rooms for infrastructure monitoring which integrate field sensors and geoinformation services based on satellite and drone data, information on infrastructure and soil conditions through interferometric techniques as well as solutions for predictive maintenance and secure terrestrial and satellite communications.
The two companies will also begin a strategic collaboration for the development of innovative services for their customers in the field of energy efficiency and safety.
The collaboration between Enel and Leonardo will be based on the sustainability of solutions and services and will extend to joint projects in the context of circular economy and in support of local communities in the countries where the two companies operate.
This agreement may be the subject of subsequent binding agreements that the parties will define in compliance with the applicable legislation, including that relating to transactions between related parties.