Rome 11 December 2013 19:31
Finmeccanica and Ansaldo STS announce that their respective Boards of Directors, meeting today, as part of the process of implementing new corporate governance guidelines aimed at strengthening the governance structure of the Group, have resolved the following.
Finmeccanica: new Chief Operating Officer
The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica has approved the appointment of Sergio De Luca as the new Chief Operating Officer of the Company reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, Alessandro Pansa. At the same time the Board of Directors mandated Alessandro Pansa to delegate the relative proxies and powers, in order to continue to improve the Corporate supervision over the activities of the Group’s operating companies.
The assumption by Sergio De Luca of the position of Chief Operating Officer will take effect from 1st January 2014.
Sergio De Luca, born in Zungoli (Avellino) on 3 September 1950, joined the Finmeccanica Group in 1975, working for the company Ansaldo - Società Generale Elettromeccanica. He has operated in Ansaldo Trasporti since 1981 and in particular in the Signalling unit. In 1996, following the spin-off of Ansaldo Trasporti’s three divisions (Vehicles, Systems and Signalling) into separate companies, he joined Ansaldo Segnalamento Ferroviario, where he became CEO in 1998. Since 2007 he is Chief Executive Officer of Ansaldo STS.
At the date of appointment, Mr De Luca does not hold any shares in Finmeccanica.
Ansaldo STS: new corporate appointments
Ansaldo STS announces that Sergio De Luca, following the new appointment conferred by the parent company Finmeccanica, has resigned as Chief Executive Officer and has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors in place of Luigi Calabria who has resigned that position.
Stefano Siragusa will be the new Chief Executive Officer, co-opted by today's Board of Directors in place of Vice Chairman, Giancarlo Grasso, who has resigned his office as member of the Board of Directors to take up another position within the Group.
Mr. Siragusa has been also appointed General Manager of the Company.
Mr. Calabria has been appointed Vice Chairman in place of Giancarlo Grasso.
All the above changes in the composition of the Board of Directors as well as the assumption by Mr Siragusa of the offices of Chief Executive Officer and General Manager will be effective from 1st January 2014.
Stefano Siragusa, born in Feltre (Belluno) on 29 January 1976, is graduated in electrical engineering from Milan Polytechnic University. He completed his professional training with an MBA at MIP and the Executive Program at Harvard Business School - HBS. In 2002 in Milan he launched his career at The Boston Consulting Group - BCG where he became Partner & Managing Director in 2011 and since then has been responsible for the Practice Industrial Goods for the Italian system. Since 2008 he has constantly worked for Ansaldo STS at the strategic and operational reorganization activities of the Group.
At the present date neither Giancarlo Grasso nor Stefano Siragusa hold any shares in Ansaldo STS.