London 16 September 2015 14:00
- Market-leading smallest, lightest ever design
- Re-configurable with current and future waveforms via SCA 2.2.2 and ESSOR architecture support
- Part of the in-service SWave™ SDR family for mounted and dismounted land forces
At DSEi 2015, Finmeccanica – Selex ES will introduce its new SWave™-family Software Defined Radio (SDR), named the Hand Held Evolution (HH-E). Designed to bring commercial smartphone size and weight characteristics to military-qualified battlefield radio equipment, the SWave™ HH-E weighes less than 550 grams and measures just 155mm x 70mm x 40mm.
The HH-E is the latest in Selex ES’s SWave™ software defined radio family, which offer reconfigurable secure data and wideband networking capabilities in addition to standard voice communication. Like the other radios in the family, the HH-E is compliant to the US SCA 2.2.2 and European ESSOR architectures. This means that the radios can be upgraded new waveforms as they become available. The radio has been launched with the Soldier Broadband Waveform (SBW) with a narrow-band waveform available from early 2016.
As well as featuring a compact, light and lower-power-consumption design, the SWave™ HH-E is secure and military qualified. The HH-E make innovative re-use of previous SWave™ technology, building on its proven in-service reliability and performance. Through its ability to host both legacy and new waveforms, the HH-E can interoperate with fielded radios and C4I systems and is fully upgradable, providing a versatile and flexible soldier radio solution at a low cost of ownership.
The Selex ES SWave™ SDR family includes the latest single channel hand-held SDR (HH-E), a 2 channel manpack SDR (MB1), a 2 channel vehicular SDR (VB1) and a 4 channel vehicular SDR (VQ1). An earlier variant of the SWave™ HH-E, the SWave™ HH, is currently in-service with the Italian Army. A naval SWave™ SDR product is also in development.
Selex ES is a leading member of the European Secure Software defined Radio (ESSOR) consortium and helps to shape the common European radio architecture ensuring that all products in the SWave™ SDR family can keep pace and compatibility with new waveform development.