Rome 15 March 2020 21:09
Leonardo and the National Secretariats FIM FIOM and UILM have shared and signed a corporate protocol regulating measures to fight and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace. The protection of public health is the priority. At the same time, the parties consider it appropriate to avoid the complete interruption of industrial operations, in compliance with the provisions contained in the Decree of the Prime Minister (DPCM) of 11th March.
Therefore, moving from the common goal of further intensifying the initiatives undertaken so far to ensure the highest possible level of prevention and protection within the workplace, Leonardo and the trade unions have said that the continuation of the production activities will presuppose a punctual evaluation of the conditions that ensure people the prescribed levels of protection.
Considering that, on the basis of DPCM’s 11th March and of the 14th March Protocol, the main safety measure to be adopted is that of the distance between workers of at least one meter and that only where it is not possible to achieve this distance, considering the specific workings of the Plants, it will be mandatory to equip the staff with the prescribed security measures, in accordance with the Protocol of 14th March.
On this basis, the emergency management plan has therefore been prepared, valid from 16th to 25th March 2020, which will be structured in two sub-periods:
1. On 16th and 17th March, two days of suspension of activities will be activated in all the Group’s Plants/Offices to guarantee the start of extraordinary cleaning and sanitation of the Company’s premises and, more generally, planning and a mass start of all interventions that guarantee full compliance with the measures prescribed by the Protocol of 14th March.
During the suspension days, however, essential activities will be guaranteed for the safeguarding, maintenance and continuity of IT systems and infrastructures and the internal or external services for receiving and shipping goods;
- activities that are functional to unmissable business needs and / or commitments made to customers;
- activities related to sectors of Public utility, security, health and the armed forces;
- activities necessary for carrying out work to intensify workplace prevention and safety measures and for finding the necessary equipment or services to guarantee compliance with the protocol of 14th March.
The coverage of these activities can be guaranteed with physical on-site monitoring or, where possible for remote activities and the availability of IT equipment, in smart working. Coverage of absence will be guaranteed through the use of collective PAR by all workers, except for those commanded for the needs represented above.
2. On March 18th-25th, suspensions/reductions of selective and modular activities will be activated. This will be achieved through progressive partial reactivations of operating activities; the identification of the activities affected by a progressive reactivation and those characterised by the continuity of the suspension will be carried out by each Division and shared with the RSU / RLS of the Plants on the basis of the two competing needs to guarantee. One need is business continuity with completions in different activities through both on-site and remote controls and the other is to continue the work of intensifying the work aimed at guaranteeing full compliance with the safety measures with respect to the provisions of the Protocol of 14th March.
Coverage of the absence will be guaranteed through the use of previous years’ holidays and paid leave with definition at a local level of the specific ones to be used.
All organisational measures - in terms of working hours, shifts and breaks – are aimed at avoiding as much as possible incoming and outgoing contacts, in the common areas and in the alternations between shifts, to decongest the production lines and to create autonomous, distinct and recognisable groups.
The corporate functions that operate at the Divisions will be involved in the locally defined suspension plans, also with regard to the coverage criteria for days of absence.
A specific Committee was also set up to verify the application of the rules of the protocol of 14th March. Beyond the convocations that will become necessary in the emergency phase management period, the Committee will meet remotely on 17th March and 24th March to evaluate, also in light of the evolution of the ongoing epidemiological phase, any further solutions to guarantee worker safety and the progressive and / or integral recovery of operational activities.