Rome 10 June 2015
The ground-based air defence system MEADS (Medium Extended Air Defence System) provides troop protection during out-of-area missions, protection of NATO territory and international crisis management support. It is developed jointly by the United States, Germany and Italy with Lockheed Martin, MBDA Germany and MBDA Italy.
On the basis of the MEADS development results, the German Ministry of Defence informed on June the 9th MBDA Germany of its decision to accomplish its TLVS Tactical Air Defence System project
From MBDA's perspective, this decision is of great significance. It creates the basis for developing the European air defence structure, strengthens the position of MBDA Germany, as well as that of MBDA Italy, and creates the prerequisite for the MBDA Group to further expand its role as the European champion.
Germany's positive selection decision strengthens MBDA’s role as Europe's guided missile systems house and supports the retention of sovereign capabilities in Europe in the air defence segment. It opens up new prospects for MBDA but also provides with great challenges.