“Gli irregolari del web” (‘Web mavericks’) is a web series targeting Italian schools that shows a group of male and female students grappling with off-screen investigations. The participants are called upon to deal with web-based threats, resolving potentially critical situations to prevent cyber-attacks.
This 12-episode series was entirely scripted, acted and filmed by Leonardo and Plenitude employees children, partners of the Young Cyber Security Academy, the project promoted by Alessandro Curioni – President and founder of DI.GI Academy and member of the scientific technical committee of Leonardo's Cyber & Security Academy – to promote information security in Italian schools.
Leonardo's collaboration with the Young Cyber Security Academy falls within the scope of its activities, under the Sustainability Plan, to promote scientific citizenship and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines: not only “Gli irregolari del web”, therefore, but also the publication of a book entitled ‘Manuale di prevenzione e primo soccorso per nativi digitali. Guida alle trap e ai pericoli del mondo virtuale’ (Prevention and First Aid Manual for Digital Natives. Guide to the traps and dangers of the virtual world). This extracurricular text dedicated to middle and high school students and teachers deals with the main topics of cyber security.
For Leonardo, participation in the initiative further demonstrates its commitment to propagating a solid security culture both nationally and supranationally. This commitment took the form of the creation of the Cyber & Security Academy – a high-level training centre created to provide institutions, critical infrastructures and companies with the skills and capabilities needed to support the digital transition and cope with threats to national security.