The airports of Geneva and Rome-Fiumicino select Selex ES for baggage handling

Once again the Multisorting Baggage Handling System (MBHS) of Finmeccanica-Selex ES remains the most advanced baggage handling system for the airport sector. In a record time of two months Selex ES has delivered and implemented made a new baggage handling system for the Geneva International Airport.

Roma  15 March 2015

The airports of Geneva and Rome-Fiumicino select Selex ES for baggage handling


Once again the Multisorting Baggage Handling System (MBHS) of Finmeccanica-Selex ES remains the most advanced baggage handling system for the airport sector.

In a record time of two months Selex ES has delivered and implemented made a new baggage handling system for the Geneva International Airport, the implementation of which has been assigned to Selex ES from Genève Aéroport following a public European tender. The new MBHS will improve the airport’s baggage handling capacity by 30% compared to the existing system.


By 2016 Selex ES will also provide the same system to the construction company Cimolai SpA, main contractor of Aeroporti di Rome, for a complete baggage handling to be installed in the airport‘s new intercontinental and Schengen flights of boarding area E - F of the Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport.


Selex ES has previously provided baggage sorting systems for Terminal 1 and Terminal 5 of the Rome Fiumicino airport, it has replaced the legacy system at boarding area D and has renewed a contract with Aeroporti di Roma to provide management and maintenance services for all of the baggage handling systems at the Rome - Fiumicino Airport for additional four years. The activity started in 2007 and includes over 100 permanent on-site staff available, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


The Multi-Sorting Baggage Handling System is based on state of the art cross-belt technology, the most innovative in the airport sector, which features a series of carts each equipped with an horizontal motorized belt for bidirectional loading, transport and sorting of the baggage for its assigned destination. The system handles up to 10,000 pieces of baggage per hour  and in case of reduced baggage flows, the sorting speed can be varied, delivering the airport lower energy consumption rates.