Rome 25 June 2020 21:48 Inside Information
Leonardo announces that the Board of Directors held today deliberated the establishment of a General Management structure (Direzione Generale) reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer. With this reorganization, Leonardo aims to simultaneously respond to the new market environment characterized by the impacts of COVID-19 and leverage the opportunities offered by the dual use of technologies generated by this emergency. With this organizational structure, Leonardo intends to accelerate the implementation of the strategic plan’s next phase thus enhancing its flexibility and agility to be even more competitive in facing future challenges.
In order to reach these objectives, the General Management will be led by Lucio Valerio Cioffi (General Manager), currently head of the Aircraft Division, who will have the responsibility to manage and coordinate the activities of the following organizational structures:
- Aircraft Division assigned to Marco Zoff
- Aerostructure Division assigned to Giancarlo Schisano
- Chief Procurement & Supply Chain Officer whose assignment will be defined in due course
- Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) assigned to Pasquale Di Bartolomeo
- Customer Support, Services & Training (previously under the responsibility of the CCO) whose assignment will be defined in due course
- Unmanned Systems assigned to Laurent Sissmann
- Production Optimisation & Program Management assigned to Fabio Barsotti
The company Leonardo Global Solutions S.p.A. will report to the new General Management structure. Additionally, reporting to the General Manager, a new organizational structure denominated New Business Development & Country Support has been established with the objective of developing and managing the strategic plan’s new initiatives, bringing together the different company initiatives under a unitary and transversal vision. This new structure will guarantee consistency between Leonardo’s activities and Italy’s program “Progettiamo il Rilancio”.
The new General Management structure will be effective starting from 1 September 2020.
Lorenzo Mariani will take the responsibility of Managing Director of MBDA Italia and Executive Group Director Sales & Business Development of MBDA starting from September 1st.