Rome 22 April 2016 12:00
Today, Finmeccanica has published the Sustainability and Innovation Report of the Group for the year 2015, written in compliance with “G4 – Sustainability Reporting Guidelines”, established by GRI - Global Reporting Initiative, according to the reporting option “in accordance core”.
The document is built on the pillars of the Industrial Plan and of the One Company model:
Creating value through transparent management and integrity of behaviour;
Using innovation as a tool for competitiveness and as critical factor for business sustainability;
Considering efficiency and security as essential objectives and features of Finmeccanica’s offer and as expression of reliability.
The 2015 Sustainability and Innovation Report describes a year of change for Finmeccanica through real cases of integrated sustainability in products, systems, technologies, business management practices and especially in the corporate culture.
“Among the results achieved by Finmeccanica in 2015, I am proud to highlight the promotion by Transparency International in the ‘Defence Companies Anti-corruption Index’, up from band C to B. With this reward Finmeccanica boosts the entire Country-system in the initiatives aimed at preventing and curbing corruption, thus confirming the Company role as a strategic asset for Italy” Mauro Moretti, CEO and General Manager stated.
Participation in EXPO 2015, the important role in the Horizon2020 research programmes, the many dual use applications of geo-information, efficiency and flexibility of use of the Family of Helicopters, the managed security services and cyber security programs, social commitment and support to STEM programmes are some concrete examples of business sustainability and social responsibility, illustrated in the Report.
The main numbers and facts of the 2015 Sustainability and Innovation Report
Transparency and Integrity
- Finmeccanica has been admitted for the sixth consecutive year to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World and Europe, which select the most virtuous companies from the point of view of sustainability, qualifying for the “Bronze Class” among leading companies in the sector A,D&S. Finmeccanica has been also included in the ECPI World ESG Equity Index.
- The implementation of anti-corruption safeguards has enabled Finmeccanica to improve in the international ranking of the "Defence Companies Anti-corruption Index" of 2015 calculated by the non-governmental organization Transparency International, going up from band C to band B, in line with the main Aerospace, Defence & Security international companies.
Innovation and Competitiveness
- Finmeccanica invested approximately 11% of its revenues in Research and Development.
- Finmeccanica helps develop green technologies in aeronautics, ICT and space through its participation in National and European Research Projects.
- In 2015, with the "Finmeccanica Innovation Award for young people", the Group opened participation to students, recent graduates and PhD students, in order to offer them an incentive to generate new ideas and a privileged channel to make contact with the company.
Efficiency and Security
- Supply chain performance has improved through a renewed governance of procurement.
- The implementation of initiatives on lean manufacturing and lean engineering has continued in order to reduce waste, improve quality and increase efficiency.
- 21,700 hours of environmental training have been provided (17% more than in 2014) and over 231,000 hours of health and safety training.
- CO2 production is reduced by 7% with respect to 2014.
- A campaign has been launched to raise awareness about the cyber security issues, together with about 5,000 online training courses delivered through You-SEC, the IT security video channel available to the entire workforce.
The document is available on Finmeccanica website, section Responsibility.