Young talents in which the country has invested first, difficult to find, attract and, above all, retain. Of fundamental importance is the creation and maintenance of an increasingly open innovation ecosystem in which companies, universities and research centres share projects and research programmes. A model that Leonardo is following with various initiatives, such as the Leonardo Labs, the Aerotech Academy, and the Business Innovation Factory. And to facilitate the process of planning requirements in the medium-term, Leonardo has introduced predictive artificial intelligence tools capable of guiding the training and recruitment path of new professional figures.
"In 2021, Leonardo hired 3,753 people, 54% with STEM-based degrees," writes Profumo. "These are professionals of emerging and disruptive technologies: engineering for electrification and hybrid propulsion, experts in cloud architectures and supercomputing, specialists in data science and artificial intelligence. In many cases they are under the age of 30. With them we aim to preside over strategic areas of competence for the company and Italy, and to design the technologies of the next decade. For not only Leonardo they represent the most valuable long-term investment.