Washington 19 February 2013
Alenia Aermacchi deeply regrets the Defense News article that appeared on February 12, 2013, and reprinted on various sites, misrepresenting Dr. Alan Calegari’s departure from the company. This official company communication has been issued to formally correct the false information contained in the cited article. Alenia Aermacchi greatly appreciates the work Dr.Calegari has done during his tenure as President and CEO of its North America organization. He met the challenges of a difficult environment with outstanding leadership and was instrumental in the organization’s achievement of several major milestones, including the partnerships for the Fixed Wing, Search and Rescue Program in Canada, and the pursuit of the Trainer Program with General Dynamics in the United States. Under his leadership a team was formed in the United States, Italy and in Kabul, Afghanistan for the recovery of the G222 Support Program. During the past few months Dr. Calegari indicated his desire to pursue other objectives, and the company, jointly with him, defined a transition plan to accommodate his request. His leadership and strategic thinking will be greatly missed and Alenia Aermacchi wishes him great success in his endeavors.