Roma 09 February 2015
Two new important orders for Finmeccanica-AnsaldoBreda worth a total of about 26 million euro. The Finmeccanica Group company, specialized in mass transit and driverless metro products, has been awarded two contracts, related to maintenance of two specific types of regional trains and trams.
The first contract refers to the service of integrated logistics for Regional Trains (Treni Servizio Regionale - TSR) and High Attendance Trains (Treni ad Alta Frequentazione - TAF) of Trenord, the company that manages the local public transport rail in Lombardy. The contract will last for two years, with an option for a further 12 months, and a base amount of 24.6 million Euro. The activity includes the supply of spare parts and repairs within a logistics platform managed directly by Finmeccanica-AnsaldoBreda.
The second contract, for an amount of Euro 1.5 million, is related to the execution of revisions of various systems installed on Florence Sirio trams supplied to Gest, the company that manages the operation of the tram network in the Tuscan capital. The new agreement complements the contract recently signed by Finmeccanica-AnsaldoBreda with Gest for full service and rolling stock maintenance service of the Sirio trams.