Rome 17 February 2020 16:02
- The new digital cyber security assessment & digital roadmap initiative will involve Leonardo’s key suppliers – from the ELITE Leonardo Lounge – and will be developed with the support of Confindustria’s Digital Innovation Hubs
- This is a further step in the development’s project of the supply chain of Leonardo which aims to encourage the evolution of the “Supply Chain” into the “Value Chain”
Leonardo, in partnership with Confindustria’s Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), launches a new initiative focused on the issues of Industry 4.0 and cyber security dedicated to its key suppliers, who are part of the ELITE Leonardo Lounge, to drive them in their “digital transformation”.
The initiative is part of the optimization and enhancement’s program of the LEAP2020 (Leonardo Empowering Advanced Partnership) supply chain and has been presented during the workshop “Tecnologie e Network per l’innovazione” addressed to the companies of the ELITE Leonardo Lounge – the environment dedicated to high-potential companies of Leonardo’s supply chain developed by ELITE of Borsa Italiana.
Over forty SMEs, Leonardo’s key suppliers, coming from 12 Italian regions for an aggregate turnover of 1 billion Euros and a total of 5,700 employees, will be involved and will follow a specific training roadmap.
The participating companies, with the support of Confindustria’s DIH network, will be evaluated in terms of digital maturity and cyber security and, thus, oriented toward a path of progressive digital transformation, to seize opportunities linked to the development of 4.0 technologies. The project will also support the suppliers’ networking towards the innovation ecosystem of industry 4.0 – from smart factories to Competence Center, from research centers to enabling technologies’ providers – helping to achieve the LEAP2020 program’s goal of making Leonardo’s key suppliers more innovative, competitive and sustainable, helping to encourage the evolution of the “supply chain” into the “value chain”.