Rome 04 December 2014 16:20
- Ten-year contract to optimize mission reliability and availability of vehicles
- The agreement includes the preventive, first-level and corrective maintenance
Finmeccanica - AnsaldoBreda signed a 250 million euro contract with Trenitalia (FS Italiane Group) for the global maintenance service of the new Frecciarossa 1000 fleet, the super trains manufactured in AnsaldoBreda’s Pistoia plant. The Frecciarossa 1000 fleet will start operations next year on the Italian High Speed network.
The ten-year contract includes the preventive, first-level and corrective maintenance on board of the vehicles, with the aim of optimizing the mission reliability and the availability of the trains.
The service will be carried out within the Trenitalia facilities in Naples and in Milan, where AnsaldoBreda will perform all operations through its specialized staff.
Note to Editors:
The Frecciarossa 1000, born out of a partnership between Finmeccanica - AnsaldoBreda and Bombardier, will reach a top speed of 400 km/h and a commercial speed of 360 km/h traveling on all European HS (High Speed) networks.
The Frecciarossa 1000, the European super train, will raise the technical, environmental, exterior and interior aesthetic standards, reaching the maximum performance and travel comfort. State of the art
technological solutions will ensure speed, security and reliability. Innovative design ideas will provide the best performance in energy saving, environmental impact and wi-fi connectivity.
The Frecciarossa 1000 will start operations next year on the Italian high-speed network in its commercial composition that will be of eight cars.
According to current Italian legislation, Trenitalia is a “Related Party” of Finmeccanica, insofar as it is a company indirectly owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, through Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A.
Therefore Finmeccanica hereby informs that, in compliance with the provisions thereon contained in Consob Regulation n. 17221/2010, the transaction described to be “of greater relevance” put in place by Finmeccanica through its affiliate AnsaldoBreda under the Temporary Grouping of Companies with Bombardier Transportation Italy S.p.A., is exempted from the application of the procedure, as provided for the case of Regular Transactions concluded under market-equivalent or standard terms under Art. 13, Para. 3, letter c) of the aforesaid Regulation and under Art. 11.2, letter c) of the Procedure for Related Parties Transactions approved by Finmeccanica’s Board of Directors.
The contract and the relative portion (of approximately 250 million euro) owed to AnsaldoBreda under the aforesaid Temporary Grouping of Companies is consideration for the provision of high-speed trains under the previous general contract signed with the same Trenitalia in 2010 and adjudicated through a public tendering procedure.