Rome 16 October 2014 17:59
Finmeccanica is supporting World Food Day 2014 promoted by FAO, through its “Responsible Canteens programme”, a project implemented in partnership with the Fondazione Banco Alimentare Onlus, the Siticibo program, that recovers and donates excess food cooked in the company canteens of the Group, to the poor.
Since 2013, Finmeccanica and its Group Companies have taken action against the wasting of food with an awareness of the increasing need for food amongst the poor. The annual value of the food donations made by the Finmeccanica Group is estimated to be around 400,000 Euro.
To this day, 26 company canteens, out of a total of 31, have joined the program, but by the end of December, the initiative will be extended to the entire Group. The donation of excess food is addressed to the charitable facilities close to the production sites involved so as to enhance the relationship with the territory and with the local community.
Finmeccanica’s initiative against the wasting of food is a concrete example of corporate responsibility, a form of ‘social spending review’ achieved by adopting best practice in the process of canteen management without any additional expenditure; as a result of this action the beneficiaries receive a donation in kind that, besides embodying the values of solidarity also has a significant economic value.
Directly, and through its companies, Finmeccanica develops and carries out a number of initiatives and projects that have a major impact on people and on the local community by involving associations, foundations, NGOs and other players that seek to provide help to people in need. These are actions that are consistent with the “Knowing how to do” company culture that has always been a distinctive feature of Finmeccanica and that strengthens the social and ethical values underpinning the accountable behaviour towards all the stakeholders of the Group.