Genoa 12 November 2018 15:30
- Agreement signed with the Liguria Region, city of Genoa and the port authority of Genoa for the application of Leonardo’s technology in safeguarding Liguria’s regional security
- Profumo: “We renew our commitment to Liguria and are proud of offering our expertise and to initiate the first public-private partnership promoting security in the region”
The Ligurian local authorities and Leonardo have signed today, in Genoa, a Memorandum of Understanding to develop projects and technological demonstrations for the preservation, safeguarding and security of the region’s territorial ecosystem.
The agreement was signed by the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti; Genoa’s Mayor, Marco Bucci; President of the Authority of the Port System of the Western Ligurian sea, Paolo Emilio Signorini and by Leonardo’s Chief Executive Officer, Alessandro Profumo.
“With today’s agreement we renew our commitment to Liguria and Genoa”, Alessandro Profumo, Leonardo’s Chief Executive Officer, underlined. “Leonardo will offer its expertise to the local authorities and start the first public-private partnership, to enhance security in the Liguria region that has always been a focal for Leonardo’s activities”.
The Memorandum, which lasts three years and supports the United Nations 2030 Sustainability Agenda and specifically the main community directives on integrated security and risks prevention; will identify areas where to develop territorial resilience projects and environmental monitoring. Through the application of technology and innovative solutions these projects will support the security of the region’s citizens.
In detail, Leonardo commits to make available to the authorities its experience to implement specific technological solutions in several fields such as territorial monitoring, mobility, services to citizens, security, energy efficiency, traceability of goods and cyber security. The company will also be able to collaborate with other public and private entities, even outside the region, with the view to promote Liguria’s territory as an example of a centre of innovation and excellence.
The implementation of the activities included in the Memorandum will be managed by a Steering Committee that will determine the strategic direction of the programme’s development, in order to extend it to other private and institutional partners and, in the end, to support the promotion and development of its activities.