Roma 29 September 2016 19:00
• Sustainability and corporate governance functions have been assigned to an internal Board committee, which will help the company continue to achieve excellence in responsible business conduct
The Board of Directors of Leonardo-Finmeccanica, which convened today, resolved to revise its internal regulations (Rules of Procedure of Board of Directors and relevant Committees) in order to further improve its governance model in line with the new edition of the Corporate Governance Code published in July 2015.
In this context, the Board has expanded the functions of the Nomination Committee to include more specific, advisory and proactive skills in the field of sustainability and corporate governance. This Committee, without prejudice to previous skills and composition, has therefore changed its name to the Nomination, Governance and Sustainability Committee.
Detailed information about compliance with the new Code and the relevant implementation thereof will be provided in the Report on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Structure to be published in 2017.