- Profile
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- Publications
- Conferences
Dr. Dragoni graduated cum Laude in condensed-matter physics at the University of Milano and earned his PhD at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, developing machine learning (ML) methods to model quantum interactions at the atomic level. He later worked as a materials scientist at the University of Milano – Bicocca, researching into phase change materials for applications in fast, non-volatile memory devices. His expertise encompasses quantum computation, ab-initio electronic structure calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, and ML methodologies.
Dr. Dragoni is currently responsible for the QC research unit at Leonardo’s HPC Laboratory in Genova. Mission of the research stream is to support the company in its path towards the QC technologies, leveraging the existing quantum hardware/software ecosystem in collaboration with proprietary HPC resources. His work focuses on the exploration of opportunities and challenges associated with these potentially disruptive technologies, investigating possible early applications for concrete, company-specific use cases.
Present: Quantum Computing (QC) and High-Performance Computing (HPC)
Past: Computational condensed-matter physics – Atomistic modelling of materials via quantum-mechanical and machine learning methods
Author of 15 peer-reviewed articles on International Journals (selected publications below):
Mechanism of amorphous phase stabilization in ultrathin films of monoatomic phase change material, D. Dragoni, J. Behler, M. Bernasconi, Nanoscale 13, 16146 (2021)
A first-principles study of the switching mechanism in GeTe/InSbTe superlattices, C. Ribaldone, D. Dragoni, M. Bernasconi, Nanoscale Advances 2, 5209 (2020)
Structural and electronic properties of liquid, amorphous, and supercooled liquid phases of In2Te5 from first-principles, D. Dragoni, M. Bernasconi, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 134503 (2019)
S. Cecchi, D. Dragoni, D. Kriegner, E. Tisbi, E. Zallo, F. Arciprete, V. Holý, M. Bernasconi, R. Calarco, Interplay between Structural and Thermoelectric Properties in Epitaxial Sb2+xTe3 Alloys, Adv. Funct. Mater. 29, 1805184 (2019)
D. Dragoni, T. Daff, G. Csanyi, N. Marzari, Achieving DFT accuracy with a machine-learning interatomic potential: thermomechanics and defects in bcc ferromagnetic iron, Phys. Rev. Mat. 2, 013808 (2018)
For a comprehensive list of publications: scholar_link_Dragoni_Daniele
International advanced research workshop on high performance computing - Cetraro (Italy), July 2021 – Oral
106° congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF), online, Sept. 2020 - Oral
European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium EPCOS-2019, Grenoble (France), Sept. 2019 - Oral
Materials Research Society (MRS) spring meeting, Phoenix (USA), Apr. 2019 - Invited speaker
European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium EPCOS-2018, Catania (Italy), Sept. 2018 - Oral
Italian National Conference on the Physics of Matter (FisMat) 2017, Trieste (Italy) – Oral
European Phase Change and Ovonics Symposium, EPCOS-2017 Aachen (Germany), Sept. 2017
International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, Trieste (Italy), Jan. 2017
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg (Germany), Mar. 2016. Oral
MARVEL hp5 day, IBM Research – Zurich, Rueschlikon (Switzerland), Feb. 2016 - Oral
Euromat conference, Warsaw (Poland), Sept. 2015
Psi-k conference, Donostia/San Sebastian (Spain), Sept. 2015
CCMX annual meeting, Bern (Switzerland), May 2015
International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, Trieste (Italy), Jan. 2015
Earth and Space Symposium, Lausanne (Switzerland), Nov. 2014
Ab-initio Description of Iron and Steel: Multiples Impacts of Magnetism (ADIS), Ringberg Castle – Tegernsee (Germany), Oct. 2014
Junior Euromat, Lausanne (Switzerl-and), Jul. 2014 - Oral
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany), Apr. 2014 - Oral
International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, Trieste (Italy), Jan. 2014
PASC Junior Retreat, Boldern-Mannedorf (Switzerland), Jul. 2013
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg (Germany), Apr. 2013 - Oral
International Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science: Total Energy and Force Methods, Trieste (Italy), Jan. 2013
Mintweld consortium meeting, Cambridge (UK), Sept.2012 - Oral
Mintweld consortium meeting, Delft (The Netherlands), Apr. 2012 - Oral
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (Germany), Mar. 2012 - Oral
Mintweld consortium meeting, Gliwice (Poland), Sept. 2011 - Oral