Press Releases

Royal Air Force selects Leonardo for counter-drone research programme

Press Releases

UK and Italian industry to partner on Tempest

Press Releases

Red Aces team down-selected for ASDOT competition

The Leonardo, Top Aces and Inzpire team, named Red Aces, has been down-selected by the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) to compete for a contract to meet the Air Support to Defence Operational Training (ASDOT) capability
Press Releases

Leonardo highlights its electronic warfare and fighter trainer expertise at Kuwait Aviation Show

Leonardo is attending the Kuwait Aviation Show (Jan 17-20) to highlight the company's commitment to the State of Kuwait and demonstrate some of its most relevant capabilities to customers in-country and in the wider Arabian Gulf region.
Press Releases

New contract will see Leonardo continue to keep UK Typhoon jets protected from threats

Leonardo has welcomed a contract between NETMA and Eurofighter for a Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS) capability upgrade for the UK's Eurofighter Typhoon combat jets
Press Releases

Leonardo signs over €100M worth of contracts to maintain German and Spanish Typhoon fleet avionics

Leonardo has signed contracts worth more than 100 million Euros with Airbus to provide avionics maintenance for both German and Spanish Eurofighter Typhoon fleets.

Press Releases