Leonardo DRS: Virtual Tech Expo – Land Forces

13 October 2020

Exhibitions offer an unparalleled opportunity to gather and showcase the latest innovations, to connect those who make use of these capabilities with those who create them, as well as a time to meet to discuss ideas for the future. We know you can’t always make it to every exhibition so we’re excited to bring the expo to you through our Virtual Tech Expo Series.

Beginning October 13, 2020 at 9:00am EDT, Leonardo DRS will launch our 3rd in the series, Land Forces. Aside from showcasing technologies, we’ll be hosting a number of presentations over a three-day period, by several experts in subjects ranging from Platform Protection and Lethality to On-board Vehicle Power. In addition, we’ll be highlighting activities from the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, supporting AUSA NOW’s virtual show, and providing the latest news in ground force modernization efforts through our partnership with Breaking Defense.

At Leonardo DRS we understand that U.S. Army modernization requires advanced, mission ready technologies. technologies that give troops the advantage in every domain. Technologies to compete and win. To see the latest in army modernization technologies and capabilities from Leonardo DRS, please visit our virtual exhibit at the AUSA Now 2020 Annual Meeting & Exposition on October 13-16, 2020. 

Both of these virtual events will highlight technologies that give military forces the edge to include Computing and Information Technology, Platform Protection and Lethality, Mounted and Dismounted EO/IR, Electronic Warfare, Communications and Networks and Operational Energy.

Visit Virtual Tech Expo  - Land Forces