A ‘shield’ to protect the Italy's sensitive data and critical and strategic services, allied with efficient and reliable Cloud infrastructure, which supports the Government’s digital transformation by offering higher quality public services. This is the goal of the National Strategic Hub, the project company which is owned by Leonardo, Tim, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Sogei.
"By pooling the expertise of its members and drawing on the most advanced technologies available, the National Strategic Hub is ready to provide cutting-edge solutions to the Government, which is going through a process of digital transformation. The hub must be a driving force in this field for the whole country,” says Emanuele Iannetti, the company's CEO and General Manager.
The National Strategic Hub is promoted by the Department for Digital Transformation (DDT) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in the context of the NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). It will host critical and strategic data and services of Central Government, Local Health Authorities (ASLs), and other local government bodies, while also allowing administrations to choose the hub for ordinary data. The creation of the hub, known as the PSN (Polo Strategico Nazionale), is among the main initiatives of the Italian Cloud Strategy and will be crucial to reach the goal of enabling 75% of Italian authorities to use Cloud services by 2026.
“The Government must guarantee citizens and businesses new development opportunities and new services,” added Iannetti, “and PSN will work alongside it in migrating towards an infrastructure that will offer a high guarantee of security and data protection but also greater technical and environmental efficiency, thanks to the green data centres at our disposal.
“We are ready to lead this process, always keeping three key concepts in mind: security, efficiency and independence. It is a challenge that has already begun – our team is made up of experts selected from the best professionals on the market, we are on schedule and the infrastructure will be delivered by the end of the year, as envisaged in the agreement signed with the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.”
In addition, the project alters the dynamics of public spending with a reduction in the costs currently incurred by Government for procurement and infrastructure management. It also contributes to improved energy efficiency by reducing consumption with a view to environmental sustainability. Four separate data centres are planned, linked via ultra-broad fibre optic connectivity, to ensure business continuity in real time, using sites certified to the highest standards available.