Rome, 13 December 2022 18:27
- The Company is confirmed as a leader for its commitment to combating climate change according to CDP’s (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) assessment.
- The acknowledgement comes shortly after the announcement of Leonardo's official commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Leonardo has been confirmed again as leader by the international non-profit organization CDP, which evaluates the performance in the fight against climate change of about 19,000 companies based on information on impacts, risks and opportunities that are linked to the environment requested by more than 680 investors, representing 130 trillion USD in assets under management.
The acknowledgement by CDP recognizes the ongoing commitment and actions implemented by Leonardo to reduce emissions, mitigate climate change risks, and enable the transition to a low-carbon economy. The decarbonization strategy pursued by Leonardo was recently reinforced by its recent commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), the partnership between the CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which promotes the setting of science-based emission reduction targets. Leonardo has defined a roadmap to reduce the CO2 emissions along its value chain, by streamlining its industrial processes, engaging key suppliers in the decarbonization journey, and cooperating with customers to develop enabling solutions and more efficient technologies. As early as 2021, Leonardo has achieved some significant milestones on the reduction of its carbon footprint: -23% Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions compared to 2020 thanks to initiatives such as the replacement of SF6 gas in the helicopter sector, which marks a further approach to the Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction target of 40% by 2030.
Alessandro Profumo, Leonardo CEO, stated: “The company’s inclusion in the leadership position confirmed that we are on the right path on reducing emissions and mitigating climate change risks. It recognized our great achievements and our commitment on carrying on the decarbonisation strategy involving all our value chain. For this reason, we have recently committed to the Science Based Targets initiative, representing a key step for value creation in the medium-to-long-term”.
Sustainability is integral to the Be Tomorrow – Leonardo 2030 strategic plan, which focuses on innovation, digitalization in production and offering, considering business, governance, social impact and environmental factors, from a long-term perspective and in-line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The confirmation in the CDP’s top ranking further consolidates Leonardo’s growth in terms of sustainability and adds to the company’s achievements over the last two years. The company was confirmed as sustainability leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, with top score within the Aerospace & Defense sector. Leonardo was also recognised in band A of the Defence Companies Index on Anti-Corruption and Corporate Transparency (DCI) prepared by Transparency International, included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index, and improved its position within the main ESG ratings.