Rome 17 June 2021 18:04
We hereby inform that the new Board of Statutory Auditors of Leonardo, appointed by the Shareholders’ meeting held on May 19, 2021, verified – based on the information provided by the interested parties or in any case available to the Company – that the independence requirements pursuant to law (article 148, paragraph 3, TUF) and to the Corporate Governance Code (article 2, recommendation 7) are met by all its regular members (Luca Rossi, Anna Rita De Mauro, Sara Fornasiero, Leonardo Quagliata e Amedeo
In its independence assessment pursuant to the Corporate Governance Code, the Board adopted the same criteria set out in the Code. Pursuant to the aforementioned Code and to the Regulations of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the results of the assessment were promptly disclosed to the Company’s Board of Directors, which examined them today.
At today’s meeting, Leonardo’s Board of Directors also approved – after the unanimous positive opinion of the Control and Risks Committee in its capacity as Committee for Related Parties Transactions – the new Procedure for Related Parties Transactions effective from July 1, 2021, making the adjustments to the current procedural text aimed at implementing the new regulatory provisions adopted by Consob with Resolution no. 21624/2020, which will come into force on the same date.
The updated Procedure is being published on the Company’s website (