Rome 22 May 2021 15:10
- Inspired by the principles of sustainability, growth, trust, co-responsibility
- Updating of the industrial relations model and introducing tools capable of improving corporate life and increasing people's skills
- An agile discipline of Smart working which defines a framework of principles that favour work life balance supporting the transformation process of the organisation and the way of working
More flexibility in the organisation of work, greater employee responsibility in achieving company results, continuous investment in the professionalism and well-being of people. These are the main points of the Supplementary Agreement signed with CIGL-Fiom, Cisl-Fim and UIL-Uilm following a negotiation strongly impacted by the pandemic, in which the Parties were able to converse amidst a scene of profound and rapid evolution.
The Agreement signed at the time of Covid-19, inspired by the principles of sustainability, growth, trust, co-responsibility, provides for the updating of the industrial relations model and a series of economic agreements aimed at increasingly involving workers in achieving company objectives, as well as introducing tools capable of improving corporate life and increasing people's skills.
Among the agreements of economic content is a Result Bonus for all employees, which favours participation in company life and involvement in continuous improvement programs. A Group Target Bonus system for all workers classified above Category 7 and Middle Managers is also part of the agreement.
Alessandro Profumo said: "The agreements reached once again confirm Leonardo's focus on its people and the aim to increase the integral well-being of our entire professional community, elements that constitute the foundations on which to build our future together".
The news regarding the investment in the professionalism of our people concern the continuous expansion of the training offer, already evolved thanks to the recent launch of the Coursera platform, and the introduction of governance bodies with equal participation for an increasingly effective management of funded training projects.
Among the tools aimed at improving life in the Company and introducing greater flexibility in the organisation of work, there is the possibility of using leave and hourly compensation throughout the course of the working day.
An agile discipline of Smart working which, in the transition to the post-emergency phase, enhances the positive and innovative aspects of the experience already trialled in Leonardo by defining a framework of principles that favour work life balance. The wider use of digital technologies also determines and supports the transformation process of the organisation and the way of working.
With regard to corporate welfare and the improvement of the well-being of our people, further initiatives are planned in favour of workers and their families, in view of the proposals that will be presented by the joint working group set up ad hoc. It is also possible to convert shares of the Result Bonus and the Target Bonus into corporate welfare services, by accessing the dedicated Portal.