Rome 30 June 2016 11:15
- Activities anticipated for a total 600 million Euros. Leonardo, as agent for a consortium of companies including IBM Italia and Fastweb, will receive a workshare of approximately 250 million Euros
- Mauro Moretti: “We are proud to guide the Italian Public Offices through its digital transformation
- Infrastructure and system protection services and test services to detect the vulnerabilities of the applications will be developed
The Consortium of companies led by Leonardo – Finmeccanica, through Consip the Italian Central Purchasing Body, has won the tender for the supply of Digital Security and Security services to the Italian Public Offices.
The total value of the tender is 600 million Euros. The work-share for Leonardo, agent for the consortium of companies including IBM Italia and Fastweb, amounts to approximately 250 million Euros.
“We are delighted to have been selected to guide the Public Offices through the transformation process set forth by the Italian Digital Agenda and by the Strategy document for the Government’s Digital growth. Leonardo will play a central role in all phases of the project, considering that security is key to transactions with the Public Offices in guaranteeing data integrity and authenticity. Our success is based on the continuous development of strong expertise in cyber security services and on our considerable experience gained in the field of application and service management for the Public Offices”, said Mauro Moretti, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Leonardo-Finmeccanica.
The contract refers to Lot 2 of the framework agreement, sub-divided into 4 Lots, relative to cloud computing services, security, the creation of portals and online services and application cooperation for Public Administrations (PA). The supply of Lot 2 refers to “Digital identity and application security services”, divided into two areas of activity.
Specifically, one area refers to services for the prevention and management of IT accidents and the analysis of the vulnerabilities of hardware and software components of PA IT systems, applicable in centralized and shared cloud environments as well as single administrations. A second area refers to a broad series of services and tools supporting PA digital identity management, including electronic signature and stamps for validating, storing and guaranteeing conformity and legal validity of electronic documents and from digital copy.
The services can be issued centrally or at the headquarters of the administrations providing them based on the type of service and the choices of the various PAs; the agreement is an important step towards standardising and harmonising digital security in PA, an essential condition for offering uniform security levels and improving citizen data protection.