Roma 17 October 2012 00:00
AnsaldoBreda, a Finmeccanica company, has signed today in China, Beijing, an agreement worth totally EUR 200 million, in ten years, with CNR DALIAN, a Chinese company committed in the rail sector. Subject of the partnership, the supply of the AnsaldoBreda know-how on the Sirio platform for the production of 600 new streetcars for the urban public transport in the Asian country.
The vehicles, except the first ten that will be produced by AnsaldoBreda in Pistoia plants (Italy) and on which training activities will be carried out by AnsaldoBreda technicians to CNR Dalian personnel, will be produced by the same CNR Dalian in China under AnsaldoBreda license. The agreement arranged by the two partners specifies all the operational aspects of the technology transfer, the production methods, the personnel training to realize these eco-friendly, innovative vehicles, that meet the highest standards in terms of safety, transport capacity and running comfort to improve significantly the level of the urban public transport in China.
"This partnership - underlined Maurizio Manfellotto, CEO of AnsaldoBreda - represents a further opportunity to open up to new markets with great potential for development. In fact, to make the offer as wide as possible, we have introduced - thanks to Ansaldo STS, which signed last July an agreement in this sense - the "Tramwave" technology that will allow the vehicles produced in China to travel catenary-free, with the result to introduce on the Chinese market a range of 100% Low Floor vehicles among the most modern in the world. In this market our strong experience leads us to be an example of efficient, modern and flexible company, but, at the same time, the comparison with the Chinese reality allows us to enrich in terms of industry expertise and production capacity, wishing to do always our best. Today – the CEO of AnsaldoBreda added - is a further incentive in the process of repositioning AnsaldoBreda in the world segment of its competence. The daily work of our 2,500 employees is completely focused on projecting us in a dimension of competitiveness and efficiency, marked out by two main priorities: the first, to respect punctually the orders of our customers; the second, to offer flexible products that meet the growing needs of the public and be, therefore, up to the buyer expectations.”