Finmeccanica assesses the independence of the new members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors and nominates the Officer in Charge of preparing the Company's financial reports

Finmeccanica announces, as required by applicable law and by the Corporate Governance Code of Listed Companies upon the appointment of new members of the administrative and supervisory bodies.

Rome  14 June 2012 00:00

Finmeccanica announces, as required by applicable law and by the Corporate Governance Code of Listed Companies upon the appointment of new members of the administrative and supervisory bodies, the outcome of the assessments carried out regarding the fulfilment of the independence requirements following the nominations (occurred on last 16 May) of the Director Ivanhoe Lo Bello and of the new members of the Board of Statutory Auditors.

With reference to Mr. Lo Bello, the Board of Directors has assessed the fulfilment by the same of the independence requirements as required by law (Art. 148, paragraph 3, T.U.F.) and the Corporate Governance Code (Art. 3.C.1). In its own assessment pursuant to the Code, the Board adopted the same applicable principles and criteria set out by it.

As a result of this evaluation, we confirm the fulfilment of the aforementioned requirements by 8 out of 9 non-executive Directors (excluding the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Giuseppe Orsi, the Chief Operating Officer and member of the Board, Alessandro Pansa, and non-voting member of the Board, Carlo Baldocci), with the sole exception of Francesco Parlato due to his professional relationship with the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

With reference to the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Board itself has verified that all its regular members (Riccardo Raul Bauer, Niccolò Abriani, Maurilio Fratino, Silvano Montaldo and Eugenio Pinto) meet the independence requirements as per Article 148, paragraph 3, of the T.U.F. and the requirements for Directors provided by the Corporate Governance Code.

In addition, the Board of Directors, following the approval by the Board of Statutory Auditors, nominated Gian Piero Cutillo, already nominated Chief Financial Officer of the Company on last 16 May, as Officer in Charge of preparing the Company's financial reports under Article 154-bis, paragraph 1, of the T.U.F. and of Articles 25.4 and 25.5 of the Articles of Association, until the expiration of the current Board of Directors.

In this position Mr. Cutillo succeeds Alessandro Pansa, Chief Operating Officer and member of the Board.

The curriculum vitae of the Officer in Charge is available on the website of Finmeccanica (, under Investor Relations/Corporate Governance/ Governance Model.