Finmeccanica: Board of Directors approves the Anti-Corruption Code

The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, convened on 21 April, approved the Anti-Corruption Code of Finmeccanica Group, which represents a structured and consistent system inspired to principles of integrity and transparency aimed at avoiding the risk of illegal practices in the conduct of corporate business and activities.

Rome  22 April 2015 12:40

The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, convened on 21 April, approved the Anti-Corruption Code of Finmeccanica Group, which represents a structured and consistent system inspired to principles of integrity and transparency aimed at avoiding the risk of illegal practices in the conduct of corporate business and activities.


The Anti-Corruption Code completes the enhancement of internal controls, stated by the Board of Dicrectors of Finmeccanica, in compliance with the legislation of reference and in line with the international industry best practices, with a special focus on preventing and fighting corruption. Special relevance is attached to the Whistleblowing Management Guidelines, which regulate disclosures, either qualified or anonymous, by anyone who may be aware of conducts against the law or the internal policies of the Group. The setting up of specific dedicated channels  assures maximum  protection and confidentiality to the disclosing worker.


Moreover, mention should also be made of the recently passed Directive on the procurement management, which is aimed at harmonising the Group’s procurement process while reinforcing the principles of transparency, competition and effectiveness, with a special focus on the requirements of reliability and honourableness of suppliers, without hampering in any way as broad a participation as possible by all the suppliers operating on the market.


The enforcement of the Code, as well as any proposed update and amendment thereof, are entrusted to the Corruption Prevention Coordination and Consulting Board, made up of the Chairmen of the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Control and Risk Committee and the Surveillance Body of Finmeccanica.


The text of the Code will be available on the Company’s website: