Rome 25 September 2012 00:00
Finmeccanica announces that Mr. Franco Bonferroni has resigned from his position as a Member of the Company’s Board of Directors. In explaining his resignation, which was not requested or required under any laws, regulations and internal rules of the Group, Mr. Bonferroni emphasized the desire to avoid any repercussions for Finmeccanica because of personal matters concerning his own professional activities that have nothing to do with the company.
Mr. Bonferroni – who does not, on the date of his resignation, hold shares in the company - was a non executive and independent Board Member, and a member of the Remuneration Committee. He had served as a Board Member of the Company since July 12, 2005 and his mandate was last renewed by the Shareholders Meeting on May 4, 2011, on the basis of the list submitted by Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, together with the entire Board, noting with regret the decision taken by Mr. Bonferroni, expresses a deep gratitude for the competent and passionate contribution that he provided to the Company and the Group during his tenure as a Member of the Board of Finmeccanica.
The Board of Directors will at a later meeting appoint the due replacement pursuant to art. 2386 of the Civil Code and art. 18.5 of the Articles of Association.