Finmeccanica: integration of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders' Meeting of Finmeccanica, held today to integrate the Board of Directors, upon the proposal of the shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, has appointed Giovanni De Gennaro and Alessandro Minuto Rizzo

Rome  04 July 2013 15:44

The Shareholders’ Meeting of Finmeccanica, held today to integrate the Board of Directors, upon the proposal of the shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, has appointed Giovanni De Gennaro and Alessandro Minuto Rizzo as Directors in place of resigning Giuseppe Orsi and Franco Bonferroni and, upon the proposal of a group of investment management companies and of other institutional investors, has appointed Dario Frigerio  in place of resigning Christian Streiff.


The shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, while proposing its candidacies, also indicated  Giovanni De Gennaro as Chairman of the Company, recommending  to the Board of Directors also to confer him  attributions in the areas of Institutional Relations, Group’s Security and Internal Audit.

The Board of Directors, in the first possible meeting, on the basis of available information and the statements made by the single persons concerned, will verify the new Board Directors’ independence requisites, in compliance with the law and with the Company’s Corporate Governance Code.


The Directors’ curricula are available on the Company’s website, in the section Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting/Meetings/July 2013.


The summary statement of the votes of today’s Shareholders’ Meeting will be made available on the Company’s website (, in accordance with Art. 125-quater of the Consolidated Law on Finance (TUF), within the prescribed deadline of five days from the Meeting.