Finmeccanica: moves up to band B in the international anti corruption index

Finmeccanica migliora la propria posizione nella classifica internazionale delle società della Difesa impegnate nell'anticorruzione. E' quanto emerge dai risultati del "Defence Companies anti-corruption Index" del 2015, elaborato dall'organizzazione non governativa Transparency International, che analizza i sistemi adottati dalle società del settore Difesa per prevenire la corruzione.

Roma  28 April 2015 17:31

 -  According to the Transparency International, Finmeccanica has made major progress in terms of leadership, governance, organisation and risk management



-   Finmeccanica has the same rating as the other European big defence companies


Rome, 28 April 2015 - Finmeccanica improves its position in the international ranking of defence companies engaged in the fight against corruption, as stated in the “Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index 2015”, a research conducted by Transparency International, a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to analyzing systems adopted by defence companies to prevent corruption. According to the T.I. Index, Finmeccanica has progressed in terms of leadership, governance and organization as well as risk management, moving up into band B along with 22 international competitors, out of the 163 companies from 47 different countries included in the study. 


Each company is ranked from band A to F. Band A includes only four U.S. Groups.


Finmeccanica moves from band C to band B and has the same rating as 12 other European companies, such as the Airbus Group, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce and Thales.


Finmeccanica is one of 42 companies whose anti-corruption measures  have improved since the last report in 2012, gaining a gradually higher ranking in the Transparency International Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index. The information processed by T.I. is publicly available.


On the theme, the Board of Directors of Finmeccanica has recently approved the “Anti-Corruption Code of Finmeccanica Group”, which is an integrated, structured system inspired to principles of integrity and transparency aimed at avoiding the risk of illegal practices in the conduct of corporate business and activities. The Code completes the enhancement of internal controls, stated by the Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, in compliance with the legislation of reference and in line with the industry best practices, with a special focus on preventing and fighting corruption. Special relevance is attached to the Whistleblowing Management Guidelines, which regulate disclosures, either qualified or anonymous, by anyone who may be aware of conducts against the law or the internal policies of the Group. The setting up of specific dedicated channels assures maximum protection and confidentiality to the disclosing worker.



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