Finmeccanica press release

Finmeccanica, in respect to rumors appeared in the press of today, informs, pursuant to section 114, comma 5, of D. Lgs n. 58/1998 and following the relevant request by Consob, that no binding agreement in respect to the disposal of Ansaldo Energia S.p.A. has been reached in the context of the negotiations currently in place.

Rome  04 September 2013 20:25

Finmeccanica, in respect to rumors appeared in the press of today, informs, pursuant to section  114, comma  5, of D. Lgs n. 58/1998 and following the relevant request by Consob, that no binding agreement in respect to the disposal of Ansaldo Energia S.p.A. has been reached in the context of the negotiations currently in place.


Finmeccanica, as usual, will inform the market timely and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, should the law requirements arise.