Finmeccanica press release

Finmeccanica informs that Carlo Baldocci, Board member without voting rights appointed through Ministerial Decree of 27 April 2011 (which became effective from the date at which Board Directors were appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting of 4 May 2011), as well as member of the Strategy Committee, has tendered his resignation as Company's Board Director due to other professional commitments and in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance that had appointed him.

Rome  11 September 2013 18:29

Finmeccanica informs that Carlo Baldocci, Board member without voting rights appointed through Ministerial Decree of 27 April 2011 (which became effective from the date at which Board Directors were appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 4 May 2011), as well as member of the Strategy Committee, has tendered his resignation as Company’s Board Director due to other professional commitments and in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance that had appointed him.


Pursuant to current legal provisions (Art. 3, Par. 2, of Law n. 56 of 11 May 2012, transposed into Art. 5.1 quater of the Company’s Articles of Association), which no longer confer upon the Economy and Finance Minister – in agreement with the Minister for Economic Development – the power to appoint a Board member without voting rights, the resigned Director will not be replaced.


At the date of his resignation, Carlo Baldocci has not reported any shareholdings in the Company.