Finmeccanica publishes the Group sustainability report 2014

In occasione dell'Assemblea Generale annuale dei soci, oggi Finmeccanica ha presentato il Bilancio di Sostenibilità di Gruppo per l'esercizio 2014.

Rome  11 May 2015 17:35

- Transparency and extrafinancial reporting further enhanced


- “A+” level of assurance confirmed, according to gri 3.1 international guidelines


Rome, 11 May 2015 - During the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders, Finmeccanica today presents the Group Sustainability Report 2014.

“I am pleased to announce the Group Sustainability Report 2014, that demonstrates how Finmeccanica integrates the sustainability principles in its conduct of business, improving its international standing in the long term, consistently with the targets set in the five year Industrial Plan. Progresses achieved in Governance, industrial processes, supply chain, research and innovation are key elements of an organic, disciplined and sustainable approach towards all stakeholders. In light of an enhancement of both transparency and contents, the Sustainability Report 2014 displays more figures and facts, for the benefit of a deeper and more comprehensive vision on the Group in all its aspects”, stated Mauro Moretti, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Finmeccanica.


Main facts and figures of the Sustainability Report 2014

Strengthened Compliance System of anti-corruption measures;
Reinforced Risk Management and Security;
Increased presence of women in the Board of Directors (equal to 36%), in line with international best practices;
Increased number of sites certified with ISO14001 Environmental Management System (56% of the sites) and with OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management System (44% of the sites);
Over 150 structural and managerial interventions in order to reduce the environmental impacts;
Euro 1.56 bn in R&D, also for sustainable innovation projects;
Reduced accident frequency rate by 22%;
Provided 724,000 training hours to enhance human resource skills.



In 2014, numerous actions have been adopted to streamline the Governance of the Group, with a specific focus on anti-corruption measures. Among the most significant initiatives undertaken: the implementation of the “Flick Committee’s” recommendations and the release of the Group Anti-Corruption Directive. In particular, the Anti-corruption Directive provides for the principles of conduct to which all the Group companies must comply with, aiming at building up a structured and harmonized system of mandatory rules that is adequate to ensure full respect of any applicable Anti-Corruption Laws.

In addition, in the first months of 2015, the Board of Directors approved the “new Whistleblowing Guidelines” that encompass the establishment of a Whistleblowing Committee in charge of managing the preliminary activities and reporting related to reported issues even anonymously, as well as an Anti Corruption Code. The Anticorruption Code represents a structured and consistent system inspired to principles of integrity and transparency aimed at avoiding the risk of illegal practices in the conduct of corporate business and activities and completes the enhancement of internal control systems, as required by the Board of Directors.


Industrial processes

Within the activities related to the industrial processes, in 2014, Finmeccanica conducted a supply chain analysis to identify opportunities for improvement both in terms of cost reduction and technical/qualitative features of the products competitiveness. A more efficient procurement, handled with an overall strategy at Group level, is crucial to execute the new Industrial Plan starting from the key industrial processes.

The effort to strengthen the industrial efficiency has also involved some environmental processes, with the number of industrial sites certified under the ISO 14001 standard increased from 50% to 56% .



In terms of innovation, Sustainability is embedded not only in the research and adoption of technical solutions with limited environmental impact, but also through the identification of all the actions aimed at a more solid and efficient conduct of business. With these objectives, actions were put in place for further enhancement of the engineering efficiency, intended to make the industrial system of the Group more robust, more done to business and more competitive. Furthermore, actions were put in place to develop “dual use” technologies and applications, both in military and civil business, and in general all those actions aimed at the enhancement and the strengthen of re-use, modularity, standardization of production with the final goal to do more with less.


Human Resources

The process to boost Finmeccanica relies also on the development of competencies within the Group. In this framework, a Change Management plan was launched at the end of 2014 to support the management of the new vision, new values and new culture of the Group.  Main projects encompassed the development of “talents”, the circulation and transmission of the key competencies as well as the so called “know-how” culture. The commitment to enhance competencies overcame the Group borders and reached projects and plans towards the community, better expressing the technical skills in Italy and in the whole Aerospace sector.

Results presented today in the Sustainability Report 2014 do reflect the first phase of activities launched by the Board of Directors and make already visible the change in progress, also in the corporate responsibility strategies, which put Finmeccanica on the path of a development model that creates sustainable and shared values with all stakeholders: shareholders, clients, employees, suppliers, environment, future generations, institutions and communities.


The Sustainability Report 2014 is now available on the institutional website under the section Sustainability.